Canaria Voice Productions
CEO Jasmine Basiony
I highly recommend working Jenni Penn as a voice actress.
We’ve had the pleasure to cast Jenni as our protagonist in our upcoming game (release date unknown) as well as in the game’s teaser. In both cases, she went above and beyond what we needed.
Not only did she deliver her lines quickly, but the performance was spot-on. She heard our feedback, communicated with the voice directors and also helped her colleagues.
In addition to the above, she always brings great energy to the team and brings positivity to the content creation process.
For a wonderful voice and an amazing person, Jenni is perfect for any project you’re working on.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you’d like any more details.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, Jenni!
Skyrim Content Creator
​Jenni voiced a young boy for my story. There were some hard scenes in there: the boy watches his father die, has to talk to the murderers afterwards, sell his inheritance later -many lines that required just the precise emotional delivery -couldn't be too overdramatic, couldn't be too casual either. Honestly, Jenni nailed it. Her performance was heartfelt, and came across as authentic, sincere, real. Any producer would be lucky to have her in the cast.